'Red Pill' - A New Web Series

'Red Pill' (working title) is a new 10 x 12 min comic drama web series currently in development. The premise is as follows:
When a rookie sexual health counsellor is blindsided by her boyfriend’s request to be in an open relationship, she must find a way to sabotage his search for another partner so that she can prove to herself she can live by her own principles.
The project was announced today via the Stir platform which delivers mini seed funding for entrepreneurs in the creative sector. The top three projects with the most votes receive a grant of $500 each. With under a week to vote, now is the time to get it done, head to our project page.
While the project is still in its early stages, it is fortunate to have a quality producing team behind it which includes Dan Sanguineti (Sanguineti Media) and Elise Dare (Fashfest films 2016). Writers include Sebastian Chan, Joshua Koske, William He, Erin Bingham, Kirsty Budding and Greg Gould.