'Brothers In Alms' to screen at TED x Canberra as well as in Toronto + Media Coverage
We're pleased to announce our short doco 'Brothers In Alms' will be screening at TED x Canberra on Saturday 8th September! BIA was the only film selected to screen at the event, which this year explores the theme of Divergence. You can see the full rundown here.

In addition to this exciting news, BIA has also been selected to screen at the Toronto Beaches Film Festival on 6th September. This will be the film's North American premiere.
If you've been paying attention to the news recently you might have seen some articles featuring Sebastian Chan talking about his short film Bus Trip, the Canberra Short Film Festival (9-16th Sep) and the Focus on Ability Film Festival (5 Sep). If you'd like a catch up, the articles can be found below:

Finally, Sebastian Chan was privileged to take part in Hit 104.7's 'biggest little movie' The Water Games featuring Ned and Josh. As part of the promotion, Sebastian (in his role as 1st AD) called 'action' while on air for the show on Friday morning 31st August. The audio will be linked here once it becomes available. Watch this space for more info on The Water Games coming soon!

Sebastian Chan working as 1st AD on the set of Sanguineti Media's 'The Water Games'.